💻 Check out what I'm currently working on
- DannyvdSluijs/DannyvdSluijs.github.io (today)
- joindin/joindin-web2 (3 days ago)
- jsonrainbow/json-schema (4 days ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/ExactOnlineRestApiReference (2 weeks ago)
- picqer/exact-php-client (2 weeks ago)
- sourcemeta/learnjsonschema.com (3 weeks ago)
- fedeisas/laravel-mail-css-inliner (1 month ago)
- myclabs/php-enum (1 month ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/PicqerExactPhpClientGenerator (1 month ago)
- JsonMapper/LaravelPackage (1 month ago)
{#### 📜 My recent blog posts} {} {- The unknown Composer commands (2 years ago)} {} {- Figuring out how parallel processing works in PHP (2 years ago)} {} {- Launching free open-source software (4 years ago)} {} {- Securing the web at no cost (6 years ago)} {} {- About MutableCreationOptionsInterface (6 years ago)} {}
🔨 My recent Pull Requests
- fix: replace google api charts with quick chart on joindin/joindin-web2 (3 days ago)
- Correct PHPStan findings in validator on jsonrainbow/json-schema (4 days ago)
- fix: ensure numeric issues in const are correctly evaluated on jsonrainbow/json-schema (1 week ago)
- ci: Reduce duplicate workflow runs on jsonrainbow/json-schema (1 week ago)
- refactor: replace icecave/parity with custom deep comparator on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 weeks ago)
- fix: only check minProperties or maxProperties on objects on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 weeks ago)
- fix: allow items: true to pass validation on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 weeks ago)
- fix: replace filter_var for uri and uri-reference to userland code to be RFC 3986 compliant on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 weeks ago)
- Deprecate duplicate units class on picqer/exact-php-client (2 weeks ago)
- feat: include actual count in collection constraint errors on jsonrainbow/json-schema (3 weeks ago)
- refactor: cleanup redundant checks on jsonrainbow/json-schema (3 weeks ago)
- fix: create deep copy before checking each sub schema in oneOf when only check_mode_apply_defaults is set on jsonrainbow/json-schema (3 weeks ago)
- Correctly set the schema ID when passing it as assoc array on jsonrainbow/json-schema (3 weeks ago)
- fix: Create deep copy before checking each sub schema in anyOf on jsonrainbow/json-schema (3 weeks ago)
- fix: Create deep copy before checking each sub schema in oneOf on jsonrainbow/json-schema (3 weeks ago)
🔭 Latest releases I've contributed to
- egulias/EmailValidator - 4.0.4 (2 days ago)
- jsonrainbow/json-schema - 6.3.1 (4 days ago)
- PHPCSStandards/PHP_CodeSniffer - 3.12.0 (4 days ago)
- picqer/exact-php-client - v4.5.2 (1 week ago)
- bowtie-json-schema/bowtie - v2025.3.1 (2 weeks ago)
- genkgo/camt - 2.9.0 (2 weeks ago)
- xirixiz/homeassistant-afvalwijzer - 2023.03.01 (3 weeks ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/PicqerExactPhpClientGenerator - 1.1.0 (1 month ago)
- deployphp/deployer - v7.5.12 (1 month ago)
- JsonMapper/EloquentMiddleware - 2.1.0 (1 month ago)